Parece que “El discurso del Rey” ha arrasado en los Oscars, verdad?
Bueno, pues esta Señorita que tenemos aquí es ni más ni menos que Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, posteriormente conocida como Elizabeth Windsor, Queen Elizabeth o desde que yo tengo uso de razón, la Reina Madre. Elizabeth era la mujer del Rey Jorge VI (el de la peli).
Aquí sale en su juventud luciendo la tiara Strathmore, regalo de bodas de su padre. Es curioso, porque siempre que pienso en ella es en su etapa de “reina madre”, es decir mayor, y como que me cuesta asociarla a esta guapa jovencita.
Feliz Lunes!
It looks like the King’s Speech has been this year’s big Oscar winner.
Well, this young lady we have here is none other than Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, later known as Queen Elizabeth, or, ever since I can remember, the Queen Mother. Elizabeth was the wife of King George VI (the one portrayed in the film).
This is a picture of her in her youth, wearing the Strathmore Tiara which was a wedding gift from her father. It’s funny, because whenever I think of her, I think of her “Queen Mum” period, that is, when she was elderly, and I find it difficult to associate her with this pretty young woman.
Have a happy Monday!