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Mi tesoro. Unos tomates del jardín que regamos y cuidamos con mucho esmero. Si todo va bien, en unos días estos, y otros que hay en otras matas se van a convertir en una ensalada de esas de tomate en rodajas, aceite de oliva y sal. Cuando el tomate es bueno no hace falta nada más y estas matas me las dio mi cuñado pero a el se las dio el tío de fulanito, que es amigo de menganito y que tiene una huerta en Albelda de Iregua – pedigrí verdulero riojano al más alto nivel.
Y crecen fenomenal en macetones, con lo que no tuvimos que destrozar el césped para plantarlas.
Feliz Miércoles!
My treasure. Tomatoes from our garden which we water and nurture with all our love. If all goes well, in a few days these beauties are going to become tomato salad, of the kind that only has sliced tomatoes, Spanish olive oil and salt. When the tomato is good, you don’t need any other ingredients, and these are supposed to be good, not only because they are organic but also because the plants were given to me by my brother in law who in turn got them from someone’s uncle who is famous for his orchard in Albelda de Iregua – which in the Rioja region is more or less the best you can get.
They also grow really well in big flowerpots which meant that we did not have to wreck the lawn to plant them.
Have a happy Wednesday!